Thursday, February 27, 2014

No Referal Party

Dear Parents,
      Today we had a no Referal party for the kids that had never had a Referal before. Some of the things were the schools , also some people brought things from home. The things that belonged to the school were ribbon, crayons ,coloring paper ,and there were other things also different stations. Stuff that people brought was like rainbow looms ,braclet makers, and ducktape. The people who had a Referal did not come.The stations that was there were a goo staion ,color stations and others. I hope we can do it next year.
                                                                                         Sydnie Tidwell and Allison Schooley ;)         

Tuesday, February 25, 2014


Dear Parents,
    Today we learned a new game called "Ship-Shape". It's about a game that includes a rubberband and a geoboard. You have a card with a shape on it, and you turn it over for only 3 seconds. Then you make that shape that was on the card with your geoboard. Whoever gets the shape exactly right, wins!
It is a very fun and entertaining game! You should at least have 2  or more people playing. One band and geoboard per person in the game. If you still don't know what were talking about, remember you can look at the pictures.   So you should try it and play Ship-Shape at home!!

                                                                                                Allison Schooley, and Sydnie Tidwell ;)

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Stuffed animal day

Today was awesome! We got to bring our stuffed animals to school!!!!!! Some were so huge they had to set them on the ground. Other stuffed animals got to sit at our table and stare at us while we do our work! It was AWESOME! To bad this day has to end. I hope we will have another stuffed animal day soon!!! 

By: Mia Thomas and Allison Schooley

Monday, February 10, 2014

Winter Olympics

Monday we started learning about the Winter Olympics. We're trying to find information about the countries that are in the Olympics.  We're finding the countries flag, popular foods, language and how to say hello in their language. Norway was in the lead on Monday and today Canada is leading with nine medals.  Norway is in second place, Netherlands in third and United States in fourth.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Snow day again!

Enjoy your days off! Stuffed animal day will be on the day we return to school! Take pictures of your outside snowmen/activities and email them to me and we'll blog!