Friday, March 7, 2014

Neon Dance!

Dear Parents,
         Today is the neon dance, you are invited! Yesterday, the teacher handed out shirts for the neon dance. The neon dance starts at 7:00 - 9:00. There is going to be games, a DJ, refreshments and so many other things. At the dance, there will be fluorescent markers so you can write on your shirts to make them glow..... I guess that's why it's called Neon Dance. To go to the party there has to be an adult with you to attend. You can put cool designs on your shirt it's going to be a blast! You can not drop off your child-you have to stay with them the whole time. So what are you going to do at the neon dance? 
                                                                                            From your best bloggers.
                                By:Sydnie Tidwell & Allison Schooley ;)

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